Subject: The NEW way to diversify your income…

Hey there,

Edmund here...

There was a very popular way
of making money a while back,
and it hit mainstream namely
because of a book called Multiple
Streams of Income.

Later, the author created
another book called Multiple
Streams of Internet Income.

And for a while...

This worked like MAGIC!!

You could go out, create a
little "money site" that earns
a $100 a month, and then rinse
and repeat.

The goal was to create about
20-30 of these sites, and
you’d be profiting pretty

Again, this USED to work,
but not so much today!

There’s just too much competition
out there today in every niche
to be able to pull this off

And unless you have a huge
team of talented people to
run each site for you full-time,
it’s a failing business plan.

A much better plan today is
to create multiple streams
of revenue, from the SAME

You do this through offering
different products, services,
and other opportunities to your
customers all at different
price-points ranging from low
to high.

Here you’re leveraging multiple
income streams, but the big
difference is it’s coming from
the same customer base.

THAT is a winning business model
in today’s online economy.

One good way to do this is to
think about the lifetime value
(LTV) of each customer, and to
keep increasing it over time.

If an ideal customer bought
each offer you had out there,
what would the lifetime value
of that customer be?





That’s what you want to be
thinking about each day.

Ask yourself, "What can I do
today to make my ONE business
more profitable?"

Please, don’t take this stuff

If you’re serious about building
a profitable online business,
this should be literal GOLD to
you and can save you years of
wasted efforts.

It’s a small shift in thinking,
but will create a very powerful
result in your profits and how
you run and setup your business
for the long haul.

The fastest way to get going with
this "New Economy" centered
business, built for profiting
in 2014 and beyond, is to leverage


Watch this presentation, and you
can have immediately setup for
you a business with a customer
Lifetime Value of $1,000, $3,000,
$5,000 and beyond.

And just so we’re clear here,
this means that you’ll be getting
commissions, closed by the companies
sales system, of $1k, $3k,
$5k, and up.

($9,000+ per customer LTV.)

All you have to do is watch the
presentation and then start
building out your new revenue
streams in this ONE business.

Talk soon,
Edmund Toh
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