Subject: No chicken for you! (Sacred Marketing Tip)

Hey there,

Edmund Toh here...

I was driving through town earlier,
and a sign caught my eye.

It was from Chick-fil-A.

Under the Chick-fil-A logo read
these words:


And I thought to myself, "Is this
greatly limiting their profits?"

I think the argument could go
both ways.

One could venture to say that
more people would come if they
were open on Sundays, like most
other fast-food joints.

Another could argue that they’re
bringing in MORE profits because
they have values and won’t sacrifice
their employees well-being for
the sake of the extra profits
they could bring in.

Either way, I love what they’re

Even if it’s costing them profits.

It’s not ALL about the money.

Sucking every last drop of profit
that you can.

Some people are like this online
and in the IM/Home Business space.

They’ll never be happy.

They hit 5 figures, 6 figures,
7 figures and beyond.

And they still want more and
they’ll do ANYTHING for it.

They’ll sacrifice their own values.

Their families.

Their health.

And so on...

Don’t let their issues become your
issues, coolio?

Hold true to your boundaries, your
standards, your values, and don’t
let anyone impose upon that, even
if it means you sacrificing a few
bucks here and there.

Trust me.

It’ll be well worth sticking to
your guns and doing what you know
is right.

Just one note though.

I’m NOT saying that you shouldn’t
get out of your comfort zone.

Far from it.

You MUST get out of your comfort
zone in order to grow and expand
your income and happiness.

What I’m saying is stick to your

Chick-fil-A stays closed on Sunday
so its employees can have the day
off, and if they choose, will have
the time to go to some religious

That’s their standard.

For you, maybe it’s not sacrificing
family time for this business.

Not traveling without the family.

Not lying or doing anything dishonest,
misleading, or unethical just to
make a quick buck.

Whatever your standard is.

Hold it as dear and precious and
don’t like some web-geek guru
persuade you away from it.

A lot of these guys aren’t near
as happy in real life as they
"appear" to be. ;)

This is what I love about MTTB:


It’s a simple business to run.

It’s on the up-and-up on everything.

And the way it’s structured, you can
earn high ticket commissions from
$1k, $3k, $5k and even much more...

It’s built around YOU. Your values.

Your lifestyle.

This means you don’t have to sacrifice
on what’s important to you or on other
time commitments you may have.

This is because this is a VERY
profitable, easy, and highly
leveraged business to run.

The type of business a person like
you and I can do and are still able
sleep like a baby at night.

Have a nice one,
Edmund Toh
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