Subject: How to go from thud, to dud, to stud…

There’s an old-school technique
called "Thud Marketing".

And, it USED to work like

I’m sure you’ve seen it before.

In fact, many marketers are
still heavily using it.

It's origins comes more from
the direct-mail world of

A marketer would sell a product,
and then add a LOT of extra
content or bonuses to it to
bulk it up.

So if you bought a dvd recording
of a marketing event, not only
would you get the dvd's, but
you’d also get cd recordings.

You’d get printed out manuscripts
to read.

They’d send you bonus interviews
of the speakers on cd.

You’d get books from a speaker
or two thrown in.

And by the time it’s all said
and done, you’d have a box
full of about 45 pounds of stuff!

Imagine, you hear a knock on
the door, you open it up,
and there the mailman stands
with your package.

You sign and pick up the box.


You open it up excitedly,
holding all of the content
in your arms, amazed at how
much there is, and then...

You drop it on your table.


That's... Thud Marketing.

Online this is done digitally
as well.

Again, we’ve all seen it.

Tons of PLR content you’ll
never use, 50 ebooks you’ll
never read, and whatever
else the marketer can conjure
up to give you, he will.

The purpose is mainly for
you to get the 'feeling' that
you just got waaaaaay more
value than what you paid.

Today the market is much more
sophisticated, and for the
most part, this type of marketing
is very ineffective.

Right now people have "too much"
on their hands as it is.

They don’t want another 20 gigabytes
of crap to have to go through!

We’re all overwhelmed.

Truly, less is more.

What they want is relevance.

That want what they NEED.

Nothing less, nothing more.

If you can get your message
across in a 15 page document.

Do that.

Don't beef it up with another
200 hundred pages of fluff
and filler and crap bonuses.

If you have something that works,
and that people want, that’s
all you need.

Nothing more.

Take the MTTB system for instance.

Though there is a decent bit of
content there, it’s really just
21 simple steps.

VERY easy to go through, and what’s
more important is that you’re given
EXACTLY what you need.

Nothing more, nothing less.

You get the base training,
a coach, and top tier opportunities
to quickly expand and grow
your business to new heights.

==> Learn MORE about MTTB System

Most of the world go to their
jobs each day.

They get there and they know
exactly what to do.

It’s not rocket science
(unless they’re rocket
scientists!) or too hard
for them to do.

This business is no different.

It’s not too difficult
for you to learn.

No, in fact, it’s easy.

You just need to learn the basics
and get the right system to follow.

And you can get all that right
here, right now:

==> Get MTTB System NOW

Have a great day,
Edmund Toh
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