Subject: ENTERTRAINMENT - Why you must do this!

Hey there,

Edmund here...

Today I will be sharing with
you about how to increase
your sales in marketing.

”We’re not in the hamburger
business. We’re in the show
business.” -Ray Croc

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the
man’s brilliant.

He’s taken a common item like
a Hamburger, and completely
dominated and revolutionized
the industry.

And one of the ways he’s done
this is by being an Entertainer.

A Showman of sorts.

He was NOT an educator on
why his business was the best.

And I think we’d all agree,
Mickey D’s food isn’t really
that great.

Too many people though hop
online and learn something,
and then they try to become
an educator.

Bad. Move.

Teachers are some of the
lowest paid people out there.

Do you want to be the lowest
paid internet marketer out there?

If not, then peep up those ears.

Teaching is great.

Providing amazing value to your
customer base and leads is awesome
and essential to your long term

However, that alone is not enough.

You also have to entertain.

Entertainers are the HIGHEST PAID

Think Dr. Phil is the best
psychiatrist in the world?

Nope, not by far.

Yet, he’s one of the most entertaining
of them all, and thus one of the
highest paid.

Same thing with Dr. Oz, Oprah,
Lady Gaga, Brad Pitt and so forth...

They’re incredible entertainers,
and they all make exorbitant incomes.

Take whatever business you’re
building up online right now,
and then look at how you’re
marketing, selling, and teaching.

Are you entertaining enough?

Teaching AND Entertaining, can
form together into a little
something I like to call

Now, there are several ways
that you can do this.

But the best way is to inject
marketing and business.

Do this and you’ll attract a
tribe of like-minded peeps
that are drawn to you like
moths to a flame.

Next, you want to make sure
you are indeed HIGHLY PAID for

Brad Pitt won’t do a movie
for under $30-$40 mil...unless
he wants to.

And you shouldn’t work for cheap

If you’re just breaking even
or making a few bucks here and
there per sale, then it’s all
a little pointless then, right?

Having Top Tier offers in your
business puts you in the bracket
that will allow you the profits
and time to build a lucrative,
entertrainment business that
can provide you and your family
with an incredible lifestyle
for years to come.

And here’s the best program
that’ll get you there:

==> Learn More About The BEST Program

Talk later,
Edmund Toh
"The KING Of Get RICH The Lazy Way"
See Above to Click on 'Display Image Below'
(Me enjoying pure bird nest delicacy with my girlfriend
and family when
travelling in Betong, Thailand recently)

P.S. Learn how you can leverage
this proven system and get $1,000...
$3,000... and $5,000 deposited
into your bank account on auto-pilot.

Step 1: Go here to watch the video:

Step 2: 7 Exclusive Team Bonuses (Worth Over $2000)
when you applied to join  my team.

Step 3: After you have joined me,
contact by replying me in this email
and I will give you further instructions
on how to get started.
