Subject: Conversational Email = Bags of $$

Writing email is a beast in
of itself, and most people
get it ALL WRONG.

By the way, This is the BEST Email
Marketing Course I every bought:

Matt Lloyd's My Email Marketing Empire

Email is the best, let me
repeat, the BEST way to
generate a steady income
online -coupled with the
right products you’re selling
and promoting of course.

So, it’s something that you
want to get right.


Thing is, most people think
getting email right is by
becoming a literary guild
member that has pretty,
"grammatically correct” emails...

They become bonafide members
of the Spellcheck Nazi Club,
like that’s going to put
money in their pockets.

And I get these emails from
time to time.

Subscribers pointing out to
me where I’ve missed some
comma or something like that.

Some other error which often,
is NOT an error in email

Often it’s something I’ve put
there intentionally that they’ve
ever so graciously brought to
my attention.

But here’s the thing, while
they’re stressing over periods
and commas, I’m making money.

Because that’s not what makes
the money in this industry.

Some of the top email marketers
and online business owners out
there can barely spell their
names for goodness sake!

They’re making 6-7 figures,
not for their spelling skills,
but for the 'specific way'
in which they write, and I’ll
share that with you in just a sec.

Now as a quick caveat, I’m not
saying that you shouldn’t
write well, or that you don’t
need to worry about spending
a few extra minutes to proof
your emails before you send
them out.

If you want to do that, in
most cases that’s fine.

What I’m saying is that you
need to focus on what’s

On what brings home the bacon.

80/20 baby!

What’s that which we should
focus on, you say?

Writing in a CONVERSATIONAL tone.

That’s the most important thing,
by far.

Writing like people talk in a

So things like this are game
in email: (Talking in bold
to MAKE A POINT. Using "..."
to keep people reading...

Using multiple exclamations
if you want to scream!!!

Using very short sentences to
drive. something. home.

Using all kinds of odd slang
and words strung together
that would make your English
Teacher cringe.

All in the name of writing like
you talk and getting your
emails out there to the world,
daily if at all possible.

Don’t sweat any of the other

We’re talking in an authentic
way to our tribe and connecting
with them.

That’s it.

We’re not trying to win the
Pulitzer Prize here.

Did you know that many of the
worlds top copywriters,
working for 7-9 figure brands,
even PURPOSELY will go through
and ADD errors to their emails
and sales letters?



Because it increases conversions.
They get more sales as a result!!!

Turns out it makes their copy more
authentic. More human.

Almost like talking one on one
to a person.

Kinda like what ‘ye olde
emails are for.

You can take this email,
straight to the bank.

I challenge you, write an
email a day for the next
30 days to your list.

Be authentic, tell stories,
speak conversational, and
have a few irresistible
offers sprinkled in there
that will really help ‘em.

If you don’t have that, use this:


And if you don’t have a list,
that’s not the point.

Get into the habit of writing
conversational email daily.

It’s a skill that will change
your life.

Besides, you can throw a couple
bucks at a few solo ads, get
some traffic from FB or a host
of other places, and have a
fast growing list as soon as
you decide to take this seriously.

We all start at Subscriber #0.

What’s important is that you START.

To your journey,
Edmund Toh
"The KING Of Get RICH The Lazy Way"

P.S. Get your Over $2000 worth of bonuses
when you joined my MTTB team.

More info here:
