Subject: Activating the Stop-and-Think Mechanism


It's Edmund here...

Using your stop and think mechanism

What this does is it activates
the 'smart' part of your brain
and allows you to use your intelligence
over the impulse of your senses.

This is so critical to your
online success.


Here’s why.

There are way too many easy
decisions that we can make

And they are very easy for
us to justify ourselves in
doing them.

Buying course after course,
even if we haven’t went through
the previous 50 we purchased.

Going to FB compulsively,
knowing we’ll waste hours
of our time once we’re there.

Checking our email account,
which will bring us to blogs,
forums, and a host of product
launches and affiliates begging
for our attention.

To the untrained brain, we’ll
go crazy, will get nothing done,
and will give in to impulse after

We’ll do this to the point where
we’re so over-whelmed that we get
frustrated and give up.

Often we’ll just blame this
industry as bogus and a scam.

We’ll blame all the marketers
we allowed to steal our most
valuable asset, our time.

When most often it’s 'us' that
failed the business.

It was us that failed to focus
in and take any real action.

So, it’s easy, and it’s not easy
at the same time...

Engage the stop and think mechanism.

Whenever you’re about to do
something other than what you’ve
set out to do, whenever you’re
about to make a purchase, whenever
you feel the urge...

Stop and think:

'Do I really need this?'

'Is this taking me further or closer to my goals?'

'Why do I feel the urge to buy or do this?'

And so on...

Ask yourself whatever questions
you need to in order to get your
senses and impulses under

Decide to buy or do with your
brain and intelligence that you
no doubt have, not with your
senses and impulses of the moment.

I never rush people to join
in my business.

I WANT them to take their time
and make an educated decision.

I LIKE it when they ask me
questions and express their
concerns with me.

Do I lose a few sales this way?

Who knows.

But when people join with me,
they join because they’ve made
a smart decision, not off of
some impulse.

And that makes them much more
serious buyers.

Buyers that will act and do
and succeed.

And ‘dem are the type of buyers
and peers I want to attract.

If that’s you, check out this
presentation and see if it may
be a fit for you:

==> Access Presentation Here

And please, let me know if you
have any questions or if I can
help in ANY way.

Edmund Toh
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"The KING Of Get RICH The Lazy Way"

P.S. Learn how you can leverage
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Step 1: Go here to watch the video:

Step 2: 7 Exclusive Team Bonuses (Worth Over $2000)
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Step 3: After you have joined me,
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and I will give you further instructions
on how to get started.
