Subject:  Why free isn’t FREE...


Edmund here...

When most people look at marketing their
businesses, they think of traffic like this:

Paid Traffic


Free Traffic

Really though, there’s no such thing
as "free" traffic when marketing online.

That’s a myth.

Yet, it holds a lot of people back
from investing through paid media.


(You’ll notice I said that paying
for traffic is an investment, not
an expense!)

For instance, consider just one
"free" way to grow your business

You’ve got SEO, where you try
to rank high in the search
engines for buyer keywords.

If you’re in the top 5, have a
hot keyword you’re ranking
for, are getting a LOT of traffic,
and have a converting website,
you’ll likely get some sales.

Maybe tons of sales.

However, is that traffic really

Seems like it is, but the answer
is a resounding NO.

For one, ranking a website these
days isn’t easy, at all.

You’ve got to create the site,
and most often, you’re investing
in services to get links back to
your site with a high page rank (PR).

And nowadays, there’s an important
Social Aspect involved in ranking
your sites.

In order to get sales, you have
to create AMAZING content.

All. The. Time.

I’ve got friends that spend hours,
days, and even weeks on just one
blog post, not even knowing if
it will generate a single sale.

So the investment may not be pure
money related.

But there’s always an expense.

In this case, it’s mostly time.

Many hours slaving away at the
keyboard, creating post after post,
hoping it’ll rank and get sales.

This method is very risky, because
with one little stroke of the finger,
ye olde Google Masters can make your
site go from #1 to #1,000 in the
search engine for apparently no
reason at all.

It happens all the time.

Boom. Business gone.

So, a lot of this boils down to
how much you value your time.

Spend 8 hours creating a blog post
that "may" get a few sales. (A lot
of times this works out to you
making less than $5 to $10 bucks
an hour -or worse!)

Or, you can take the savvy choice,
and look into paid media.

Paid media isn’t as scary as it
seems to many, and it will give
you massive leverage and opportunities
to scale your business up fast.

For instance, everybody knows that
a "buyer" is 1,000X better than a
cold lead.

Well with paid media from places
like Facebook, you can target BUYERS,
and get this, of your competitors!

THAT’S power my friend.

Anyways, if you haven’t started
investing in traffic for your
business yet, what’s holding
you back?

Resolve to try it out and stick
with it.

You can start on a small budget,
so there will be very little risk
involved for you.

And likely, you’ll get addicted
to it and the good results you’ll
start to have.

Of course, you do want to run
advertising the right way, and
the more confidence that you
have in something to work, the
more likely you will get into

That’s why the TTI system includes
a full-on traffic training.


You even get a traffic COACH!

Now this isn’t just generic info either.

You get specific traffic training
from the top earners of this business

Exactly what’s working now for them.

All you have to do is learn the traffic
secrets, and then go out and do what
they’re doing.


That makes it crazy simple for you to
get started in growing your business
with paid media.

And, it stacks the odds WAY in your favor.

Edmund Toh
See Above to Click on 'Display Image Below'

P.S. The traffic training will be
revealed to you after you get
through the initial steps.

First, you’ve got to learn the key
fundamentals to a profitable business.

Then comes the traffic!

P.P.S. How To Claim My Team Bonuses?

Step 1: Go here to watch the video:

Step 2: Details of the 7 Exclusive Team Bonuses (Worth Over $2000)

Step 3: After you have joined me,
contact by replying me in this email
and I will give you further instructions
on how to get started.

