Subject:  Why 'Strategic Thinking' is a must!

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Hey there,

Edmund Toh here...

Today I want to talk to you
about the importance of being
strategic in your business.

Not "why" you need to be strategic.

Why it’s a MUST.


designed or planned to serve a
particular purpose or advantage.

Related Words: calculated, tactical,
prudent, shrewd...


I take it you’ve got some end goal
in this business right?

To make enough part-time to fire your
boss. To supplement your retirement income.

To free up more time to be with
your mate, your kids, your
grand kids and so forth.

What is the ideal result YOU see
in your mind right now?

The only way you’ll get there is
if you can become more strategic
in your business.

And once you get that strategy,
it needs to be developed

That’s important.

Day in and out, consistently
working towards your goals.

Otherwise, you’ll get caught up
in FB, email, and every-
body else’s daily agenda.

Think about it this way:

You plan a family trip across
the globe to visit that place
you’ve always wanted to go
(can you see it?).

To get to the starting point
of your destination, you type
in the address in your GPS.

That’s your current goal.

However, the GPS doesn’t stop

It gives you turn by turn, road
by road, city by city guidance
and navigation to help you get
there successfully and easily.

It’s broken down to the smallest
step for you so that you don’t
get overwhelmed or lost on the

That’s how you want to set up
your business.

Turn by turn. Every step. Planned.

What do most people do?

They jump online everyday with
NO plan.

Oh they’ve got in their head
what they want to do, but for
some odd reason, they never
get around to it.

It’s because they weren’t being

It’s because they didn’t have
a consistent plan to follow

Which leads me to my next big,
dirty, hairy and critical
point: W-O-R-K.

Four nasty letters to most people.

Doing real WORK is the only way
you’ll be able to grow your

Day in and day out...


Now for most, doing the work
part is just too much.

It’s not that they’re lazy.

It’s not that at all.

Some are lazy and want something
for nothing, but I don’t believe
that’s the majority, and certainly
not the peeps here on my list!

It’s too much because there’s
just so much involved to setup
on the front-end that it’s very

I’m sure we’ve all been there

However, here’s the kicker...

It doesn’t have to be YOU that’s
doing all of the work.

You can skip the product creation,
you can skip creating converting
sales pages, landing pages, video
sales letters and so forth...

You can skip perfecting sales
scripts and talking to 100
people a day on the phone...

And you can simply leverage the
work of someone that’s done it
all for you already and is willing
to let you use his powerful system
and million dollar team.

Getting excited about the possibilities
of something like that?

Watch this presentation:

And you’ll discover a young man
that’s set up just such a system.

Not only that, but it’s been proven
to work for many of the new members
hopping aboard right now.

New incomes are being created,
new friendships are being
forged, jobs are being killed,
and dreams are being born,
all because of this powerful
system that’s at your fingertips
right now:

Check this out ASAP, and let me
know if you have any questions.

Talk soon,
Edmund Toh
See Above to Click on 'Display Image Below'
"The KING Of Get Rich The Lazy Way"

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(worth OVER $2000) after you joined
TTI via my link.

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