Subject: 🚨 What time you getting here? 🚨

🚨 What time you getting here? 🚨

August 26th, 2020 at 5:54 pm PDT

View onlineWe are going Live Right Now!! We are about to show you never before seen trade secrets!! We will show you how to get upwards of 20 leads daily from Facebook, without spending a dime.🙏 Yes without spending a dime. Click Here and register ...

🛑 STOP EVERYTHING...And read this

August 12th, 2020 at 4:14 pm PDT

View online Good day Friend!    Ashield here ;)      Look... I’m not going to sugar coat anything.   You opt-in to my email list looking for the best way to create c.ash online.   In my two years of being online this Text Robot ...

👋 I chose this for YOU specifically Friend

July 30th, 2020 at 10:17 am PDT

View online Listen Friend.   I know life is a little crazy right now.   You've got so many things to think about and deal with.    With everything else going on around you, it's hard to expend any energy trying to figure out how to make ex ...

Don’t tell people your plans.....they don’t care UNTIL you show results👌

July 28th, 2020 at 5:17 pm PDT

View online Don’t tell people your plans.....they don’t care UNTIL you show them the results!! Hi Friend  I believe that statement wholeheartedly so I will not tell you how I plan to be making six figures every month in the next year. I will ...

Try to have realistic expectations🙏

July 18th, 2020 at 5:50 am PDT

View online Striving to do better is a good thing, but try to have realistic expectations.   Everything in life isn’t black or white; there are grey areas and some “in-betweens.”   Everything can’t be perfect all the time, and every ...

She couldn’t even copy and paste. But less than a year later...

July 16th, 2020 at 4:47 pm PDT

View onlineShe couldn’t even copy and paste.  As a single mom, the future for her (and her two boys) was uncertain. It came down to 2 choices.  Get a job bagging groceries...or learn how to market her business online the right way. Less than a y ...

😭She couldn’t afford soccer cleats for her son. But now….

July 7th, 2020 at 4:51 pm PDT

View onlineIt’s hard to believe my friend Erin couldn’t afford soccer cleats her son needed just a few years back.  Heck she could barely pay her bills on less than $2K Canadian. Here’s why it’s hard to believe… Because now she’s consta ...

The less you do, the MORE you make?

June 30th, 2020 at 3:03 pm PDT

View online “Did you know that most people are too busy earning a living to make any money?”   If you begin to think about it…you’d realize that it’s true! Personally, I used to work hard.   16 hours a day…7 days a week. And the ...

Hows your weekend going?

June 27th, 2020 at 9:19 pm PDT

View online Hey,   How is your weekend going? After a mad hectic and busy week all I want to do is veg out and watch Netflix. We have some pretty sucky weather here this weekend so can’t really do much outdoors. Tomorrow I plan to power w ...

How to Create a List from Scratch (even if you’re new!)

June 23rd, 2020 at 5:35 pm PDT

View onlineDid you know the reason top earners seem to earn so because they have a list of prospects. When they talk about making money online while they’re hanging out with their family… This is the biggest reason why. = =  http:/ ...