Subject: Why you overcomplicate things?

Friend, it is not complicated to have a successful home business.
You want to make it complicated, but it isn't.

I'm going to break it down in to three Easy Steps.


Step 1

Find a high converting product that people are actually making money with at the moment. I have many streams, but This my Top Product.


Step 2

You find other people and you communicate with them, qualify them, and only if they want to look, you send them your info. This is a great place to find new persons looking for your offer.

Step 3

Then you follow-up with them daily via email or other means to make sure they looked and if they did, to make a decision. This is a great autoresponder tool and the one I use.

That is the entirety of building a business at home that will free you of ever working a job again.

If that's too complicated, I hate to tell you, but that is as easy as it will ever get.

If you want to find more people to send your offer to. Click Here

If you want to learn to do scaled affiliate marketing like the "gurus" where you never have to talk to anyone, that is harder, but that can be taught as well. This is where you should go for that.

And if you want to a done for you set up, where I set up get the program, set up the autoresponder, market to my my entire list of 45K, write the emails and drive the traffic to any business you choose I normally charge $1299.00 monthly for that but currently running a special where I cam charging just $899 per month.


Oh, and stop making things so complicated.

; )


Ashield Hodge


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