Subject: WTF Friend


How many times have you been lectured about "paying the price"?

Work hard at the business.

Pay the price.

And you can HAVE IT ALL.


After 8 years of REALLY paying the price, I was very disappointed with my results.

I still refused to crawl back to the "security" of a j.o.b.

I never believed in the 9 to 5 ’till 65 grind. Maybe you do.

But, fortunately, I stumbled onto this whole idea of attraction marketing.

And quickly started seeing people who were much younger than me in the business and didn’t spend 8 years of looking under every rock and in every nook and cranny for prospects.

And yet… they were getting much better results in their business.


I PAID the friggin’ price, but maybe, just maybe, "working hard" is not always the answer.


Hang on, I’m not saying you don’t need to work hard.

I’m simply saying you need to work hard at the right things.

Laying bricks, digging ditches and fixing roofs is super hard work.

But these guys ain’t gettin’ rich anytime soon.

The key to working smart is using leverage.

Leveraging time and resources to get more done in a shorter period of time, without any additional effort.

And by using attraction marketing you are leveraging a system to do most of the heavy lifting for you... yet YOU get to reap the rewards.


Click Here to see exactly how…

Your truthful friend,

- Ashield
The Lead King

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