Subject: This is my Favorite One!

America's funny country.

The state legislation's are full of dumb laws.

Here's my favorite one.

California State Law says that anyone can institute a law school as
long as they posses at least fifty thousand dollars in liquid assets.

Thy shall put this law into perspective for thee.

Essentially, it says:

You can be a used car salesman...

A construction worker...

A school janitor...

An ex convict...

And even a serial killer...

And no one can stop you from erecting an educational facility which
trains the next generation of lawyers and judges and potentially even

Congress members and presidents!

You don't even have to be a lawyer yourself!

You see...

No one practices what they preach today.

No one walks the talk.

Not law teachers.

Not gurus.


Everyone just wants to sell you on their shiny thang.

They don't LIVE and BREATHE their profession.

That's why you're always better off *going straight to the source.*

A bunch of pros who are devoted to the mission of helping people.

Not phonies who recite someone else's dharma just to make money.

That's the only way to find out what really works
and take back the control over your life.

For details watch this video


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