Subject: 😭She couldn’t afford soccer cleats for her son. But now….

It’s hard to believe my friend Erin couldn’t afford soccer cleats her son needed just a few years back. 

Heck she could barely pay her bills on less than $2K Canadian. 

Here’s why it’s hard to believe…

Because now she’s constantly traveling around the world (her big dream) and banking a multiple six-figures. 

And the coolest part is that she did almost completely on Facebook. In fact she’s recruited over 700+ people on Facebook. 

And it’s all because she knows how to quickly connect with prospects...start conversations...and close them right on messenger. 

Wanna see how she does it? 

She’s showing exactly how she does it, what she says, and who she says it to on a special LIVE Training Tomorrow Night @ 9PM EST! 

You should come watch with me so YOU can start easily recruiting new reps on Facebook as well! 

Register Here Now to Lock In Your Spot! 

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See ya there! 


P.S. If you’d rather learn her strategy in step-by-step detail for 5 Days... I can get you into her ‘Recruit Reps in Minutes’ Challenge starting soon for just $1! Check out the details here…

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