Subject: STOP EMAILING ME Friend!



Listen you have been messaging me for a while and to be honest, most of your emails just to spam and if they make it to my inbox, they get deleted.

Most business owners and aspiring business owners are just like you they spend hours doing what seem to be the right thing but not getting results.

That was me, I was spending hours creating emails and sending emails out to over 50K each and everyday however I was making $100 a month. Pitiful.

My buddy on the other hand was sending one email a week to a list of 4500 and making 7K every month.

In business you realize that you don’t get paid for your time unlike a hourly job. Maybe that’s why so many people stay stuck with hourly wages instead of owning their own business.

Now if you want to see what is currently working and how to get some eyeballs on your offer, you will want to pay very close attention.

First thing you need to do is get on this social network and get your offer in front of people who want to buy from you. Click Here

Second you will want to learn how to compose a professional sounding email and see firsthand what works and what doesn’t. Believe you me, you going to want this. Click Here.


So do me a favor and don’t email me again until you complete these two steps. That way I know you serious about making money and I will actually stop deleting your emails.


Look forward to hearing from you.



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