Subject: [IMPORTANT] Friend, Read this one carefully!

When someone corrects you, be teachable and not unreachable.

“Let every man be quick to listen but slow to use his tongue, and slow to lose his temper”.

If you do the first two things, the third one naturally falls into place.

If you are quick to listen and slow to answer back, you’re going to be slow to lose your temper. “Whoever heeds correction is honored.” So use your ears more than your mouth, and be willing to accept correction.


The wisest people have a “teach me” attitude and are willing to learn from others. You can learn from anyone, Yes Anyone, if you just know the right questions to ask.


It is very important that you never stop asking questions, because the moment you’re through learning in life, you’re through! Period! I repeat, NEVER STOP LEARNING!

Be teachable, not unreachable.

Husband, can you learn from your wife, or does that threaten you?

When she makes a suggestion, do you get defensive? Do you take every comment as a threat to your manhood?

Wife, can you learn from your husband?

Parent, can you learn from your children?

If you want to end up lonely in life, never admit your mistakes, never learn from anyone, and never let anyone teach you anything.

How long has it been since you admitted to your spouse, “Honey, I was wrong; it was my fault”? Some of us haven’t said that in years.

Humility is key to success.

I am willing to work with a few humble leaders like yourself.

 = = > < = =

Look forward to celebrating with a humble team of millionaires.


Your humble leader


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