Subject: Do you have the right relationships Friend?


Having the right relationships will help you to soar in life; they’re like the wind beneath your wings. But the wrong relationships will drag you down; they’re like a ball and chain around your feet. With the right relationships you can fly higher than an eagle!

To know which relationships are good for you and which are not, here are three guidelines:

(1) When a relationship is not working, acknowledge it. Sometimes you must cut your losses.

The old saying goes, “When you’re in a hole, stop digging!” Accept the fact that sometimes your efforts are not enough and that you can’t help everyone. Releasing someone doesn’t mean they will never get better; it just means that you are not the one to help them.

(2) There is a difference between helping someone and carrying them. This is particularly so when you’re dealing with a person who always turns to you for help and tries to make you feel guilty when you’re “not there” for them. Don’t try to be someone’s God. Your constant help may actually be a hindrance—you have become a crutch and an enabler. Step back and let them learn to walk on their own. So often it is those closest to us that make guilty for not always being there for them. Don’t fall in the trap no more.

(3) Don’t allow your fear of criticism to restrain your common sense. Here is a fact of life that you must learn to live with: Not everyone will be pleased with you! The truth can hurt and often alienate, but it’s still the truth. There are times when you must “tell it like it is” and accept the consequences and disapproval. The only way to avoid criticism is to always say what everyone desires to hear, which is equal to living a lie in a relationship. Its like being suffocated in a relationship and eventually you will lose yourself. You deserve so much better.


I want nothing but the best for you. I take time to write you because I want to see you live your best life.


I Hope you enjoyed that day and is thankful for all the wonderful things in your life.


Click Here to get a lil something extra to be thankful for.


Your bud,

Ashield Hodge

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