Subject: Why Do People Buy Anything?

Friend, I learned a very valuable 
lesson today, that I share here.

If people buy something, it's because they've
seen a result and want it for themselves.

That's why I don't promote something
I'm not using or haven't had results from.

To me THAT is an icky salesperson.

If I'm going to tell you that
what you purchase from me
could solve a problem of yours,
whether makeup, cheaper electricity,
more opportunities to save money,
more opportunities to travel,
a tool to empower you to
create any successful business,

If I'm going to be selling something to you,
it will be with a freed & loving conscience.

Because I already know
what I have my hands on.

I already know that YOU have the power
to create a powerful change in your life.

I know that if you just had the right info,
and you knew WHY you wanted to
be successful in the first place,
and you had the right coach
who cared about your success,
that you could create your own!

I know this, because I've seen many people
using different tools, strategies, businesses,
mlms, and what-have-you to
create their dream lifestyle.

Success & prosperity is a science.

One we're not taught in school,
and one that 98% of the population
don't follow nor believe in.

Are you ready for prosperity?

Because your opportunity is HERE.

Right now, you have the ability
to find out how you can
create additional streams of in.come
without ANY product or prior experience.

You just have to check this out and 
then make the decision to 
get started on building your dreams!
~ With Love ~
Kassandra Keeton
Social Media Agency Owner
Text Me With Questions:  (469) 759-0267

Let's chat on Facebook!

Instagram:  @prosperousheart
Prosperous Heart Facebook Page
PS:  As with any business, one person's
success story does not guarantee your own.

Success is created from hard work,
among several other factors.
Remember - when you are coachable,
teachable, and implement what you're taught,
you are BOUND to find success.

Find someone who has what you want
and do what they do --- SIMPLE!

It's called a success blueprint. :)

You don't know what you don't know.

And what you don't know
can kill your business.

Let's build your prosperity together!

I am BENT on helping people like YOU make money.
*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email may be an advertisement...

But most of it is just a prosperous heart trying to help you!

It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money
and that I tell you that you may or may not.

Also...Any results mentioned in this letter are NOT typical.

I have been doing this for a few years
and have acquired many skills.

The likelihood of your achieving
these types of results is small
but possible so I share the info
just in case YOU'RE THE ONE...

PPS:  Looking for a great
autoresponder to grow
your list? I use GetResponse. ^_^
It also has an affiliate option!
Prosperous Heart, LLC, 3100 Independence Pkwy, Ste 311 #189, 75075, Plano, United States
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