Friend, if you're like most people you didn't grow up as part of a wealthy family. And the environment you were around was not conducive to you learning how to create wealth in your life.
Creating wealth is a science that most people are unaware of. That's the biggest reason why there is such a discrepancy between the haves and the have nots.
What wealth lies were you told (or that you told yourself) when you were growing up?
I remember about creating wealth when I was growing up ... and a good portion of it was self-imposed!
Now since then, I've grown and learn a lot. Especially in regards to creating my own wealth.
A big part of that is immersing yourself among others who have a similar vision. You need to be around the right people who will inspire you to create the lifestyle you dream about versus those who would tell you otherwise (even if in good intention).
When you're ready to explore a
Have a prosperous rest of your day, my friend! |