Subject: Want to help the poor?

Good evening, Friend!
Just wanted to send this
friendly reminder ...
Some people would find this to be offensive.
But how can you help the poor
if you can't even help yourself?

Sure, you can give someone on the
street 20 bucks, but can you give them a job?

When you are in a position to be able
to actually help the poor,
what this means is that it is
of no consequence to you.
You have no Hang-Ups about
giving your time or money,
and you're not simply
temporarily helping them.

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day.
Teach a man to fish, and he'll be able
to feed his family for generations.

I teach people not only how to generate
additional income online, but I also show
entrepreneurs how to get leads as well as
grow their current opportunity through
online marketing and social media training.

If you would like to learn how I'm helping
people to take back their life,
increase their wealth,
and get their time back... Click here!

Or send me a message on Facebook.

Have an incredible and prosperous rest of your day!
Remember - when you are coachable,
teachable, and implement what you're taught,
you are BOUND to find success.

Find someone who has what you want
and do what they do --- SIMPLE!

You don't know what you don't know.

And what you don't know
can kill your business.

Let's build your prosperity together!
~ With Love ~
~ Kassandra Keeton ~

Text me:  (469) 759-0267

Are we friends on Facebook yet?
If not, add me here:


Let’s Connect!

Prosperous Heart Facebook Page


PS:  As with any business, one person's
success story does not guarantee your own.

Success is created from hard work,
among several other factors.

Find someone who has what you want...
And do what they do!
It's called a success blueprint. :)
If you're coachable and teachable, then you can
follow the same blueprint for success!
Prosperous Heart, LLC, 3100 Independence Pkwy, Ste 311 #189, 75075, Plano, United States
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