Subject: [TIME SENSITIVE] Ever heard "Just get more people"?

My first venture as an entrepreneur was with 
a network marketing travel club.

I loved everything about it - the people, the service, 
the trainings, the ability to take 15 vacations in 3 years ...

The one thing I hated?

How they marketed.
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Otherwise ...
As I've stated before, I am good at following directions.

Yet I noticed that even when I was spending 
10+ hours EVERY WEEK on top of my day job, 
doing the things my upline told me to do ...

I wasn't seeing their results.

They said, "Just talk to more people."

I was calling everyone and their dog (just like they said to) 
only to find no one was picking up, and if they did?

They never would again.

They said, "Just talk to more people."

Sound familiar?

This is the way of traditional network marketing.
Exhausting your warm market.
Trying to learn how to "create curiosity" in people.
Spending HOURS of your time to
just talk to more people...

But what if there's a better way?

What if you could "just talk to more people" 
without having to talk to more people?

That's where online marketing comes in.

Unlike the empty words of, 
"Just build your team - it'll work for you 24/7!"

Online marketing literally does work for you 24/7.

It doesn't eat, sleep, or need to take a shower.

But what's even better than online marketing?

Learning from a pro, and not a peon.

And tonight you can take the opportunity 
to learn from a pro who, 
(although it took her a while)
was able to get to the back of the room 
where she discovered the real secrets 
of being successful in business.

And it's very different from what you've been told.

So tonight, one of my mentors will be giving 
a F.REE training with some of the elusive
you never knew existed ...

She will be speaking on a topic 
I'm sure you've heard over and over ...


She's going to talk to you on a whole other plane...

One where she talks to you like a PRO!

... not a PEON.

She'll be on tonight at 9pm NYC time.
Be sure to click here to get registered.

See you tonight!

Have a prosperous rest of your day, my friend.
~ With Love ~
~ Kassandra Keeton ~

Text me:  (469) 759-0267

Are we friends on Facebook yet?
If not, add me here:


Let’s Connect!

Prosperous Heart Facebook Page


Remember - when you are coachable,
teachable, and implement what you're taught,
you are BOUND to find success.

Find someone who has what you want
and do what they do --- SIMPLE!

It's called a success blueprint. :)

You don't know what you don't know.

And what you don't know
can kill your business.

Let's build your prosperity together!

I am BENT on helping people like YOU make money.
*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email may be an advertisement...

But most of it is just a prosperous heart trying to help you!

It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money
and that I tell you that you may or may not.

Also...Any results mentioned in this letter are NOT typical.

I have been doing this for a few years
and have acquired many skills.

The likelihood of your achieving
these types of results is small
but possible so I share the info
just in case YOU'RE THE ONE...
PPS:  Looking for a great
autoresponder to grow
your list? I use GetResponse. ^_^
It also has an affiliate option!
Prosperous Heart, LLC, 3100 Independence Pkwy, Ste 311 #189, 75075, Plano, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.