Subject: Ready To Be Part Of The In-Crowd?

Friend, have you ever felt that way?

Maybe you always felt like the outsider, 
not really fitting in but not really part 
of the crowd you were trying to be in ...

Did it hurt?

I know it did whenever I have felt 
like I wasn't part of the "in crowd" ...
Part of the "team" ...

But did you ever stop and think,
"Maybe this isn't even my crowd?"

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

There's no shame in that, 
and it actually is quite relieving.

You are a unique and gifted person.

There is no one in the world 
quite like you, so then 
why waste your precious time 
trying to fit into a mold that 
doesn't suit you nor empowers you?

Sometimes it can be difficult to find 
the right people, but you have to 
keep looking - because they're out there!

By day?

I'm a full time Python programmer.
I teach people how to code, 
I write documentation & trainings ...

And by night?

I own a social media management agency.

And I still have time to live 
the lifestyle I dream about.

I hang around people who are like me ...
But have their own dreams 
& aspirations in life ...

Things they're working on that inspire me 
to be able to do more in both of my passions.

And that's just the kicker, isn't it?

Too many people hang around dream stealers, 
those people who hold you back, even 
with the best of intentions.

But they're still dream stealers.

You need to be around people who 
inspire you to motivate yourself.
For without proper motivation, 
we all get complacent & comfortable ...

And that's the most dangerous place to be.

Being comfortable doesn't mean 
you're living life to the fullest.

And I don't know about you, Friend...

But I want to drink every 
drop of life that is waiting for me ...

Because right now is the only time you have.

If you're not going out and accomplishing 
your dreams for yourself & your family ...

What are you doing here?

My passion in life is to empower people 
to create the lifestyle they dream of.

Respond back and let me know 
what you're passionate about. ^_^

Until then, I'm off to enjoy my Saturday 
& the prosperity I am attracting into my reality.

I hope you are doing the same.

Until next time, stay prosperous my friend! ^_^
~ With Love ~
Kassandra Keeton
Social Media Agency Owner
Text Me With Questions:  (469) 759-0267

Let's chat on Facebook!

Instagram:  @prosperousheart
Prosperous Heart Facebook Page
PS:  As with any business, one person's
success story does not guarantee your own.

Success is created from hard work,
among several other factors.
Remember - when you are coachable,
teachable, and implement what you're taught,
you are BOUND to find success.

Find someone who has what you want
and do what they do --- SIMPLE!

It's called a success blueprint. :)

You don't know what you don't know.

And what you don't know
can kill your business.

Let's build your prosperity together!

I am BENT on helping people like YOU make money.
*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email may be an advertisement...

But most of it is just a prosperous heart trying to help you!

It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money
and that I tell you that you may or may not.

Also...Any results mentioned in this letter are NOT typical.

I have been doing this for a few years
and have acquired many skills.

The likelihood of your achieving
these types of results is small
but possible so I share the info
just in case YOU'RE THE ONE...

PPS:  Looking for a great
autoresponder to grow
your list? I use GetResponse. ^_^
It also has an affiliate option!
Prosperous Heart, LLC, 3100 Independence Pkwy, Ste 311 #189, 75075, Plano, United States
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