... mindset, Friend?
Is it a bunch of woo-woo that only the weak need?
Perhaps you feel it's not worth your time?
Did you know that the most successful people in the history of humanity utilized some incredible mindset tactics that enabled them to achieve such feats?
Zig Ziglar, one of my favorite personal development and motivational speakers once said:
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."
And it's true!
From birth, you were born to win but then as time progressed, you were programmed to fail.
Why is that?
It's because of the people you grew up with ... With whom you continue to choose to be around.
It's from a society who doesn't know any better ... A group of people who were sold that they can't achieve the lifestyle they dream about.
You need to understand that you are the one!
You are meant for incredible things, you just may not know how to get there yet.
And that's OK.
We all start somewhere.
YouTube videos of some of the good stuff?
You are where you at right now based on the actions you have taken in the past, as well as what you have put (and continue to put) into your mind.
What will you feed your mind today?
I'm off to my next convention ...
The last one was at PyCon 2017 for my day job.
While my social media marketing agency is not a network marketing company, there is still so much you can learn from masters of that industry.
They're not amateurs - they're business people who have a passion like I do to empower other people (like you & I) to create their dream lifestyle.
Until next time, my friend ...
Have a prosperous rest of your day. ^_^ |