... only when you are looking for change, open to change, & changing in the right ways.
But do you know the right ways, Friend?
Most people never change.
They don't believe they're worthy of success, or that the possibility is even an option for them.
So they don't actively seek to improve themselves.
Why bother, right? If you already believe you will never go any higher than where you are ... if you believe you'll never have, do, or be any thing more than you are right now, then the universe will reply in kind.
The problem is - the opposite is true.
You must first work on yourself, because your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.
There's so much to the science of success that if you knew how to utilize it, your life would be so much different.
That's why I made the semi-last-minute decision to attend Dr Joe Dispenza's Progressive Workshop during my 31st.
You read right.
I turn 31 while I am attending
Why am I doing this on my birthday?
A day when most people would be out partying and living it up?
Because I am willing to put in the work on myself NOW in order to have a life in the future that others won't.
Are you?
What are you doing to attract and cultivate your greatness?
If you can't go to Dr Joe's event, you have another chance in August
He spoke there last year (it was amazing) and is one of the keynote speakers again this year!
If you are looking to break out and find your much sought after success,
My first time was last year, and I have to be honest - it was one of the best events I have ever attended as a business owner.
What's our next event together?
If money and time were no option, what event would you attend?
Reply to this email - would love to hear your thoughts!
Have a prosperous rest of your day! ^_^ |