Subject: Friend, so what's your story? 🌵

What brought you here?

Are you struggling? Frustrated? Or just need something *different* than
what’s already out there?

What’s gonna change your life/business?

I can tell you what changed my life - Failure
(there are some naughty words in that video - but it’s so raw and gut
churning that you’ll be PUSHED to go further in your business!)

You see, those gurus never talked about their failures - and the ones that
do always have the SAME story... 

I was so broke I was living in my car, couldn’t pay my bills, I was on
food stamps, I couldn’t feed my family, yadda, yadda… 

Then all of sudden a MIRACLE happened! They (Pick One):

A. Bought the ONE life-changing course!

B. Joined a revolutionary "new" network marketing company

...and BAM - they became instant millionaires overnight!

Yeah right!!

It’s like they all got the same script.

So, what’s the REAL story?

If they told you the truth - you probably wouldn’t want to make the

THEY don’t care if you succeed or not

You may want to re-read that sentence at least two more times.

They only care if you BUY their product and their next product, and the
product after that, and the one after that...

If you’ve drained your bank account buying product after product and
system after system and wasted your time going to worthless webinars that
didn’t teach you nuthin’ - well know it wasn’t your fault. 

We’ve all been victims of this industry in one fashion or another.

This is gonna be different…

This is the ONE thing you’ve gotta do right now if you’re serious about

By the way, most people won’t tell you this…

You absolutely MUST have a compelling reason why you must succeed 
in your business. 

SEE your reason.

FEEL your reason.

Write it down.

If you can make a vision board or draw it - that’s even better.

Why am I *suggesting* that you DO your why?

Because I know that success doesn’t start with traffic generation or
joining yet another new company - oh no. 

There are other pieces of the puzzle you’ve gotta have in place first.

More on that in an upcoming email. Keep an eye out for it.

Til then, get working on your “why” - I mean it. Do it now :-)


P.S. So, after you've written down your "why", you'll want to
look at this. This explains why I like this program - and why it
works so well to help you build your business.

P.P.S. Hopefully by now you’ve got a business in place - after all you
can’t improve upon something you haven’t even started - right?! I’ll
give you a few ideas in the next few emails. You may find some of my
suggestions quite surprising!...

