Subject: 👏Friend, She recruited 700 people - and this is how...


Erin Recruited Over 700 People Into Her Primary Company!


Hi Friend,

I remember when she was just getting
started earning less than 2K / mo
Canadian, a single parent, and didn't
know how to copy & paste.

And today she's recruited over 700
people. :)

One of our greatest success stories
will be taking center stage this
Wednesday with us, and we're diving
deep into having the actual
CONVERSATION with your prospect.

  • How to build rapport FAST.

  • How to NOT be awkward.

  • How to transition to business FAST.

  • How to effectively close them into YOUR programs.

In other words, how to be an authentic human being on Facebook, have a real conversation, and quickly guide them to YOUR products & opportunity - if it's a good fit.

Be my guest and join us this Wed @9 PM EDT - we're going to have some fun!

Corrisa :-)

P.S. - we may even do some LIVE role
playing as we dive into real-life
facebook conversations and critiques...
If you're struggling with having the
conversation, or you want some tips to
get better results,
Seriously join us here this Wed.


Erin Birch

We Help You Succeed!

For OVER a decade we have been training people just like you how to use attraction marketing techniques and real cutting-edge traffic generation methods to build a business online. If you're not a member yet - or have been sitting on the fence and want to know more about us, click the button below.


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