Subject: Friend, Are you REALLY serious?😯

...about making money?

Hey Friend, Corrisa here.

You know what - it’s true!

Most people who are exposed to your
business opportunity or product will
NOT buy or join the first time they see

This is why you need multiple

..and why you need to establish a

People buy from those they know, like,
and trust.

Well, how do you do all of that?

Your constant contact with your list -
via email (or phone) does the trick.

It’s like a dating relationship.

What are you asking for on the 1st
date? Join your $300 biz opp?

Just think about it…

Your prospects don’t know you or trust
you - yet...

Nevermind the fact that the Internet is
a bowl of filthy scams and schemes. How
do your prospects know they can trust

They don’t.

If you’re having a hard time getting
people into your business and or buying
your products, you really need to build
your list.

This is the basics of Internet
marketing and something you want to
start doing day one - if you’re able

Even if you haven't started
list-building, it’s never too late to

Tonight, we’re going to show you how to
do list-building the smarter, easier
way so you can start building trust a
lot faster - and get more sign-ups and sales.

If you’re confused about list-building
or you just don’t know where to start,
you’ll definitely want to be on
tonight’s webinar.

Whatever your dreams and goals are for
yourself and your family, let this be
the start to taking up your business
another notch…

To your continued success,


P.S. On a budget? There are low cost
and even free tools you can use to help
you build your list. More on that in an
upcoming email. Stay tuned!


