
Internet Marketing System

Subject: ⛔ Are THEY controlling your money?

⛔ Are THEY controlling your money?

May 8th, 2023 at 11:36 am PDT

 Isn’t it about time you paid me what I’m worth? I’m conflicted about this issue - and let me tell you why… I was in Burbank a couple of days ago on an important 🎯 targeted mission… To find Lou - The French on the Block. You see, I ...

🔴 I demand more money!..

May 8th, 2023 at 8:23 am PDT

 Isn’t it about time you paid me what I’m worth? I’m conflicted about this issue - and let me tell you why… I was in Burbank a couple of days ago on an important targeted 🎯 mission… To find Lou - The French on the Block. You see, I ...

🤢 Sick of Excuses?

May 5th, 2023 at 9:01 am PDT

 I’m done with excuses! Aren’t you?! If there’s one thing that can rob you of your dreams, it’s excuses.☹️I know that from first hand experience. It’s a fact that my mom had a bad 😪 childhood.  There’s no words to describe h ...

⛔ Are EXCUSES ruining your life?

May 5th, 2023 at 7:39 am PDT

 I’m done with excuses! 😡 Aren’t you?! If there’s one thing that can rob you of your dreams, it’s excuses.I know that from first hand experience. It’s a fact that my mom had a bad 😪 childhood.  There’s no words to describe ho ...

👍 I believe in you...

April 30th, 2023 at 9:02 am PDT

 Are you still skeptical that the Power Lead System can work for you? I totally understand. Before the Power Lead System (PLS), Rich and I had tried... ...MLM ...eBay selling ...High-ticket affiliate marketing ...Warrior Forum products ...Creat ...

🏆 You. Can. Do. It. Too.

April 30th, 2023 at 4:41 am PDT

 Are you still 🤔 skeptical that the Power Lead System can work for you? I totally understand. Before the Power Lead System (PLS), Rich and I had tried... ...MLM ...eBay selling ...High-ticket affiliate marketing ...Warrior Forum products ... ...

😲 Bullies tortured my son every day. So we did this…

April 29th, 2023 at 5:46 pm PDT

 “Mom, I just don’t get it...  Why are they so mean to me?  I’ve never done anything to them!” Angel (my son) had tears running down his face... This was the third time in 2 weeks he came home from school crying. Bullies had tripped h ...

❤️ I wanted to beat those bullies, but we did this instead...

April 29th, 2023 at 5:49 am PDT

 “Mom, I just don’t get it...  Why are they so mean to me?  I’ve never done anything to them!” Angel (my son) had tears running down his face... This was the third time in 2 weeks he came home from school crying. Bullies had tripped h ...

I'm scared sh*tless about the future - and I'm having a mid-life crisis...

April 28th, 2023 at 10:48 am PDT

 “I am scared sh*tless about the future.  I’m having a mid-life crisis.  I’m a terrible father... And I’m an arrogant a**hole to my fiancé.” The stress was driving me crazy.  My negative self-talk was raging like a chattering monk ...

🟥 I'm scared sh*tless about the future. And I’m having a mid-life crisis

April 28th, 2023 at 7:36 am PDT

 “I am scared sh*tless about the future.  I’m having a mid-life crisis.  I’m a terrible father... And I’m an arrogant a**hole to my fiancé.” The stress was driving me crazy.  My negative self-talk was raging like a chattering monk ...