Subject: ⚠️[*Urgent*] What is the BEST home biz? (pt2)

Here’s a big revelation a lot of people
won’t tell ya…

Hey there my friend, it’s Corrisa.❤️

I started this series a couple of weeks
back because I was getting emails from
people wanting me to find them the “best”

First of all, let me just say that what is
best for one person, may not be the best
for another. 

Like I had stated in an earlier email,
it’s best to start in an industry that
you’re already familiar with.

In other words, do what you know.👍

Secondly, I don’t find businesses for
people. It’s your job to do your due
diligence to find a business that is the
right fit for you.

You have to take into account:

  • Your familiarity with the industry you
    want to go into - It’s easier to do what
    you already know.

  • The time you have available to commit to a
    business - Some businesses require you to
    invest a lot more time than other types of

  • Your existing marketing and business
    experience - The more experienced you are
    in general, the easier it should be to
    build a business.

  • Your budget and financial resources - A
    lot of businesses can be started on
    shoestring budget, whereas others require
    a constant flow of money being poured into

Taking into consideration all thee above,
there are certain things that contribute
to success 👍 in an online business, such as:

1. Simplicity - This is very important for
anyone who has limited time and/or is a
newbie when it comes to Internet

The more complex the business,
the more complex it will be to make money.

2. Products With Mass Appeal - If you can’t
easily find your target audience online,
you’re gonna have a hard time 😆 generating

3. Easier Cashflow - A mix of low and
higher ticket price points opens you up to
a larger audience of people.

A converting 💰marketing funnel
makes this work effortlessly.

When you put all of these pieces together
you’ve got a business that you (or anyone)
can be successful at - as long as you’re
willing to put forth consistent daily

This is the business a lot of 🤓newbies
have done very well with...

Tonight, we're pulling back the curtain and
giving you the lowdown on how it all works.
7pm PST / 10pm EST … or catch the latest
replay at the same link.

Your partner in success,

P.S. In an upcoming email, I’m gonna talk
about one of those so-called “hot”
businesses that a lot of people jump into
only to find themselves deeper in debt
than they could’ve imagined.😲 Stay tuned!

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