Subject: I’m gonna tell you the ending of the “movie” - don’t hate me!😲


It took me awhile to get this, but this will be our little secret!...


Ok, I couldn’t figure this guy out.

Hey my friend, it’s Corrisa.

So, this guy has cool software programs and systems - that are not his own creations.

Even well-known products even.

Yet he is able to sell them at ridiculously low prices.

So, it took me awhile to really understand what he does… I don’t think he fully comes out and says what he does - at least in a way where it’s clearly understood.

Here’s the secret… or shall I say the “ending” of the movie..

He buys the resell rights of products - namely software programs...and sells them at low, low prices. 

A lot of times as low as $5 bucks.

Yes, you read that right.

The original creators of these products do not like him using the brand name of their products when he resells their products.

Which is understandable - right. You’re a creator of a product that you’re selling for $97 and you sold the resell right to a guy that’s gonna turn around and only charge people only $5 bucks.

I’d be a little miffed myself. However they did sell him the rights.

But this is your gain.  👍

A long time ago, I bought a theme builder (I can't tell you the name - it's a secret, but you will immediately recognize it once you go to the link). I currently pay $60/every 3 months.

Now that same builder is now going for $90 every 3 months! Yikes - that’s a heck of an increase!

Here’s your deal… You can get this same theme builder at a much, much, lower rate - and you don’t even have to pay for hosting - it’s included!

So, you’re probably thinking why do I need a theme builder?  

In my humble opinion, everyone should have a property they own - namely a blog or ecommerce site.


Because it’s yours and you own it - and no one can take it from you.

Facebook is NOT your site. Facebook can shut you down for any reason - someone complains about you, you post content that they deem offensive, etc...

Once Facebook shuts you down - everything is GONE forever. All the friends you’ve built up, all the pages and groups you created, all the relationships you created on Facebook - and if you built your business solely on Facebook, well that’s gone too.


Good luck trying to get it back. FB customer service is horrible. 😡

Facebook is just a tool to help you build your business - it should not be your business.

I’m not here to preach… but I’m here to say, that you should create your own site, or as this guy calls your own Profit System.

This theme builder just had some great updates that make your websites look like you paid a fortune to have it customized. They look amazing!

I just uploaded their new theme builder to one of my old websites here.

Those colors are vibrant and the blog is crisp and modern. The theme builder is 100% customizable - you can choose any layout and colors you want.

You do not have to be featured on the homepage - it’s just one of many options you have.

If you’ve been putting off setting up a blog or even an ecommerce site (this theme builder will soon be integrating with Woo Themes), this is your chance to get it at a bargain basement price with hosting thrown in for good measure.

I personally would rather pay for my own hosting, but if you don’t want to, you can have your profit system completely hosted for you.

You won’t find a better deal than this anywhere!


Your partner in success,


P.S. There’s only two levels of memberships left, so grab one if you’re serious about having your OWN online profit system.

P.P.S. This guy puts out new $5 dollar deals on Friday that last until Sunday at midnight. You’ll want to bookmark this site and visit every week-end to see the latest deals and freebies he has.

Side Note: This guy and his family are sick with the Covid -19 😷, so he is running a little behind to say the least. Just have a little patience. Let's support our small and home based business owners. Let's wish him and his family a speedy recovery!


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