Subject: How to Find Things to Write About...Must See Webinar

Hey Friend, yes it's Corrisa coming at you again.

One of the questions I see more often than not is people

wanting to know WHAT to write about...

Be it articles or blog posts...what should they say.

I personally get my inspiration from reading really good
salesletters, and salespages.

Other times I get inspired when I read a really inspiring article
that puts things in a different perspective I never thought about.

So, anyways, I'm just sitting here and I see an email from one of
the few Internet gurus I really like, Jim Edwards.

I have learned A LOT from this guy over the years. He's
definitely a low-key kinda guy, but he knows his stuff.

Anyhow, he did this webinar to help his friend in Long Island
who has a heart condition...which gives him limited time and energy
to devote to his online business.

His friend wanted him figure out how he can post GOOD
content to his blog at least 5 times a week, but only take
2-3 hours (or less) ONCE a week to put it together.

So, Jim being such a nice guy did a webinar with him that's about
37 minutes long and gave him 8 specific ways ANYONE can create a
week's worth of blog content in just a couple of hours.

If you think outside of the box you can use formula for doing
your videos, Squidoos, HubPages.....

I was thinking of you Friend, so I just wanted to pass
it along.

This is going to help you a lot in your business...that's for

Here's the link:


Your partner in success,
