Subject: [*HOT 🔥 or NOT 👎?] What is the BEST biz? (pt3)

Hey there my friend, it’s Corrisa.❤️

So, what is the BEST business?

This is a series that I started because I
was getting questions like:

  • What is the best business?

  • Can you help me choose a business?

  • Do I have to promote a business?

...and the like…

This email is going to lightly touch on
the HIGHLY touted Fulfillment By Amazon
(or FBA for short).

Hopefully, if you were thinking about
doing ecommerce on the cheap, you took
advantage of the revolutionary CartCash,
this past week-end’s special deal. If not,
sorry you missed it.🙁

Now there are three primary ways to do an
Amazon business - Sell directly, sell
in-directly (where Amazon does the
fulfillment a la FBA) and being an Amazon

The one that is quite popular is FBA. You
probably may already have tried it
yourself. There are a lot of people who
have done well with FBA and there are a
lot more people who have run up a big tab
of debt buying inventory to sell.

The Pros of FBA: 👍

  • You can started with very little money

  • You can make significant money 

  • Amazon takes care of your customer service

The Cons of FBA: 👎

  • This is a quantity type of business - In
    order to make good money you have to sell
    a lot of products

  • You can only sell what you buy - You must
    have money to keep buying products to ship
    to Amazon

  • Time Consuming - You have to set aside
    time to find products to ship to Amazon
    and you have to pack the boxes to ship to
    Amazon including weighing them.

  • Overhead Expenses - You need to have a
    constant supply of boxes, packing
    materials, labels etc...

I see a lot of courses out there that want
to teach you to be *rich* with FBA but
they never tell you what it REALLY takes
to make money.

In other words, they’re short on education
and long on hype!

If you’re on a shoestring budget or have
limited time, then this may not be the
best business for you.

The one model a lot of people have success
with is the affiliate model. No inventory,
no shipping, and little overhead expenses.👍

Do your due diligence with any business
and really think it through as to what
it’s really going to take to be successful
at it - money wise and time wise.

Your partner in success,

P.S. Mark Ling, the fellow behind
Affilorma has a dropshipping service and
it’s another avenue to consider if you’re
seriously thinking about selling on Amazon.

He has a lot of articles on the subject so
you’ll be informed either way. 
👉Click here to learn more...

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