Subject:Ā šŸ”“šŸŸ¢šŸŸ” You serious?

The truth is HARDER to swallow!

Itā€™s been a trying time here at
the Malone householdā€¦

My brother-in-law had a mental
breakdown - complete with tears
because he saw a šŸ­mouse in their

Not making light of it, but
cā€™mon bro!šŸ™„

Now his ENTIRE family has moved
into my šŸ˜ļø home - temporarily.

We ALL have our breaking point,
but there comes a point where
you want to raise the bar just
a little..

I can say what contributes to
peopleā€™s breaking point online,
is not being told the šŸ¤„ truthā€¦

And then they find out they're
in ašŸ„Šbattle they "see" as

Have you ever felt that way?

I once had an upline who told
me that Iā€™ve got to want
success as bad as I want to

At the time, it seemed a little
dramatic, but ultimately she
was right on the money.šŸŽÆ

I just wasnā€™t too keen on the
death šŸ’€ analogy though.

Hereā€™s the šŸ’”light at the end of
the tunnelā€¦

No matter what you encounter in
your businessā€¦

Bad solo provider

Business opportunity goes under

People telling you theyā€™re NOT

Your WILL to succeed has to be

Focusing on the things that are
wrong in your business is a
recipe for failureā€¦šŸ˜µ

So, what should you focus on?


80% of your success depends on
traffic and following upā€¦

If youā€™re not top of mind in
your prospectsā€™ minds, you

Not making sales?

The reason is quite likely in
the highlighted sentence above.

Til next time,

P.S. Tracking is critical to
your success online.Ā 

If you donā€™t have a tracker,
this is a good one to use.

P.P.S. Iā€™m gonna talk about
those set nā€™ forget traffic
sources that a lot of people
promote BUT...

Donā€™t tell you the REAL truth
about them.Ā 

Stay tuned for that oneā€¦

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