Subject: 👉 Would $600/day help?

Devious 😈 or genius? 🤓

Tell me what you think…

My mom had this landlord that
literally locked her out of the
house because she wasn’t at
home by a certain time!

What?! 🤬

She had enough of his

He had pushed her last button…

Has anyone ever pushed you over
the brink of no return?😪

So, she devised a calculated

When it was time to pay the
rent, she paid the landlord in

Un-wrapped pennies…

Her landlord initially scoffed 😲
at taking the rent in pennies.

She had to remind him that it
was still legal tender

Now this is way before
commercial coin counters were

All these pennies had to be
counted painstakingly by hand…

One… two.. Three..

He later told my mom that every
time he counted those pennies
he got a different number!😁

Needless to say, he got the

Now, imagine if you had to pay
your rent or your car payment
in pennies

It would take forever…

This is what a lot of people do
when they choose a business

They choose one that pays out
in pennies!

It’s almost impossible to get
ahead unless there’s a team of
thousands of people..

And that takes several years!

You’ve got several years to
wait until you start making
good money?👎

Probably not!

If you want to get ahead

And NOT get paid pennies for
your hard effort…

This is a new and better way to
make money online a lot

Your partner in success,

P.S.  Internet marketing is like
a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. 

It’s no wonder so many people
fail at it! 🤕

But it doesn’t have to be that

Let me tell you why.

Stay tuned!

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