Subject: ✅ Work less, make MORE 💰?

This will make sense when you
keep reading…🔎

You see, growing up I had one
of THOSE kinds of moms - which
explains it all!

I would love to tell you that I
was born a 💪hard-worker - BUT..

In reality, I was not.

I got it from my mom.

As a single mom, she had
sometimes up to 3 jobs at one

Today, that’s really not that
uncommon, but back when I was
growing up, in my neck of the
woods, it was weird.

So, whenever I was around
people that knew of my mom, I
would always hear them
whispering about her…

The funny thing is that they
would always whisper loud
enough so I could hear.🙄

That’s the girl whose mom works
3 jobs! What?!! You don’t say?!

I felt singled out - that
something was wrong with me and
my mom.😔

Have you ever been singled out
or made fun of because of
something your parents did?

It kinda feels like there’s an
ominous ⛈️cloud hanging over you
and there’s nothing you can do
about it.

So, what’s wrong with working
hard to create a better life?

Absolutely nothing!


My mom’s gonna “kill” me for
saying this…🤕

But, you also have to work

That was her 👎downfall.

Now, I can’t blame her really,
she’s done pretty well for a
person with a 2nd grade
🏫 education.

That brings me to you..

I told you about the poor lady
that was feeling the pressure
of trying to learn affiliate
marketing and was getting

This is what I would say to her
or you if you’re feeling the
🔥 heat…

1.Get disciplined. Follow

2.Get a simple course that
explains affiliate marketing
but know the real money comes
in taking action, not just
buying course after course.

3.The third thing is that you
want to work less…


You can work less, if you’re
working smart - and have

Well, how do you get leverage,
you may be asking…

Use proven tools, systems,
networks that have already been
created to help you build your

Don’t try to build your
business all by yourself.☹️

Free up your time, so you can
work on the #1 thing that
matters - 


When you’re leveraged, you can
get more than 24 hours out of a

I don’t know about you, but I
don’t want to be glued to a
computer screen or my phone all
day long.

What kind of business is that?
That’s 😵 insanity!

Your partner in success,

P.S. Now when I say networks,
it doesn’t mean it has to be

You got 👦 teens? 

Get them to find you
inspirational quotes, memes,
etc. and have them post to your
social networks for you.

Put their little hands to work!

This can be your network.😁

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