Subject: ⛔ What is the BEST way to make money?

I was a FOOL! ☹️

You can learn from my big

As you may or may not know, I
was first introduced to the
Internet way back in the mid

Back then I didn’t have a

How I got onto the Internet is
a longer story for another

Clark Howard is the reason I
first heard about people making
money from home.

Yeah, that Clark Howard.🤓

Again another story for another

Long story short, I’ve made
money online ONLY when I got
training and began to implement
what I learned..

Knowledge without action is

So, several years ago my friend
called me and told me she’s
making A LOT of money doing
this amazing program..

That’s nice I thought.

Then she tells me something
that I should’ve ignored…

It’s more money than what
you’re makin’...🤔

First of all, she had no idea
what I was making because I
don’t talk about stuff like

So, I assumed she was making
the 💰big bucks - and that it was
easier than what I was doing.

Can you spot my mistakes

Gently give yourself a 😆pinch
when you see them.

When she finally told me what
it was, I should’ve 🏃‍♀️run the
other way, but I didn’t.

After all, she was my friend -
I trusted her.

But I also knew she could be as
flaky as a hot buttered

So, I took the bait 🎣 and…

I stopped what I was doing to
try her new "money-making"

Pinch yourself…😆

So, she finally told me what it


Yes, the 🦆 duck thingy!

You can go ahead and pinch
yourself right now and get it
over with..

I couldn’t believe it, but now
I felt compelled to follow

After all, I figured my friend
and I could work together.

You know, like Michael Jackson
and Paul McCartney did.

Odd bedfellows, but it worked
for them.

Now, if you’re not aware, you
need your insurance license in
Calif to sell this stuff.

Back in the 90s I had gotten my
insurance license and it was
the HARDEST test I've ever
taken in my life.😝

So, by now it had lapsed and I
would have to start the ENTIRE
training process all over

Have you ever had to get a
professional license?

Then you probably know all the
jumps and hurdles you have to
go through.

Long story short, I was at the
end stages of finishing the
training so I could test for my
license when she dropped a 💣
bomb on me…

She basically said...

You go have fun with this, I’m
not gonna do this anymore..


In my mind I was thinkin…

Several months of going through
mind-numbing insurance

Several months of NOT working
on my Internet business to do
this duck business with YOU…

I felt as if I was holding up a
big STUPID sign in the middle
of Times Square.

I told myself I would go on
without her - and I did work on
finishing the training.

But I eventually stopped.

That’s when I realized that I
LOST a lot…😪

The money I would’ve have made
in my internet business had I
not stopped

…and I lost the momentum I had

Oddly it was the momentum that
cost me the most.

Working on the AFLAC thing
totally derailed me..

I found it very difficult to
get back working on my Internet

I was waiting for divine 😇
intervention to help me get out
of this slump, but it never
showed up the way I wanted it

It took me a very LONG time to
get my mojo back.

I was completely thrown off by
my friend only because I
allowed myself to be.

Here’s the important things
that I think will help you..

You can make money in ANY

Whether it’s AFLAC or an
affiliate business or MLM.

Don’t let anyone tell you any

Here’s the 💵 million-dollar

What are you willing to go
through to make that money?

At the end of the day you have
to do what’s in your best

Don’t do anything solely
because of friendship…

Do it because it’s in the best
interest of you and your

There are thousands of ways to
make money online..

Some are very complicated
require a lot of money to keep
it going, and/or require a lot
of steps to make it work..

I told you about my mom’s
Amazon business.

Too many steps to do and too
complicated for her to do by

If you can remember this quote,
it will help you make money
faster and easier..

💡The shortest distance between
two points is a straight line.

That’s all I got for now.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

P.S. If you haven’t got ads
running 24/7 for your business,
yet, check out this really
cheap traffic source.

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