Subject: ** Webinar Tonight 9 PM EST ** FaceBook = Huge Opportunity For Attracting Business Partners

Hey Friend,

Corrisa coming at you again with some exciting training

It's all about FACEBOOK!

That's what we'll be digging into tonight... so don't stray
too far from your computer!

If you're not using FaceBook the RIGHT WAY then you're
leaving loads of cash on the table and I can promise you
your list is not as big as it could be.

I have business partners and associates that generate 10-20+
leads PER DAY from FaceBook alone and tonight I'm going to
share with you their tips and tricks.

You understand that to be successful online in this industry
you have to create a seamless web of marketing that is
EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME, churning out red-hot prospects
for you 24x7, right?

FaceBook MUST be a part of that lethal marketing web, period.
It's probably the single-best way to CONNECT with networkers
and it's time for you to start taking advantage of it.

It starts tonight, Wednesday June 17th at 9:00 PM EST:

Register NOW for our weekly webinar series, this Wednesday
June 17th at 9:00 PM EST... which is TONITE!

Space is limited.

Reserve your Webinar seat now...

Live Marketing & Training Call for MLMLeadSystemPRO
Members and Guests.

Join Us this Wednesday Night and listen live.
Time Converter

9:00PM Eastern
8:00PM Central
7:00PM Mountain
6:00PM Pacific

The trick is to have about 4-5 marketing pillars out there
that generate you 15-20 leads PER DAY.

This is how the top earners easily reach the 100 leads per
day mark... and I can assure you that 99% of those top
earners are on FaceBook's playground... you ready?

I'll see you at 9:00 EST.(6pm PST)



Yahoo IM: crisstar663

Skype: corrisam

The marketing system I use...because it WORKS!

==> My Blog:

==> Lotions, Potions and Pills...