Subject: ⛔ Un-believable!

Jaw dropping! Scandalous!

I just finished watching the
Brooke Shields documentary
Pretty Baby on Hulu and…

I’m in total shock! 😲

I was left with a lot of
unanswered questions that
Brooke is probably NOT ready or
willing to answer.

If you’re not familiar with
her, she was one of the BIGGEST
celebrities in the 80s.

And she did things that would
be totally unacceptable in
today’s age. 

A big no-no!🙅

The weird thing is that society
back then accepted it.

Sure there were critics of both
her and her mom…

But for the most part, Brooke
in her mind, rationalized and
justified everything she did..

Except that ONE thing…

Be ready to be uncomfortable
and squirm a little.

This brings me to you…

A well-known marketer said that
people are not interested in
making more money..🙄

I say, that is not completely

It’s not that people don’t want
to make more money…

It’s that they can’t see 👓
themselves making 1k, 5k, or
even 10+k a month…

Society says that’s not

Society says that If you’re
making that kind of money,
you’re scamming people!

It’s no wonder so many people
in our industry 😆 struggle.

People like to stay within
their comfort level

And so they stay the same.

Brooke definitely did not stay
in her comfort level. 

If she had, she would not have
had the career she did.

But there were some things she
should have NEVER done.

I digress…

So what about you - are you
happy with the amount of money
you’re bringing in?

Are you able to buy the things
you want for yourself and your

Are you able to give money
freely to your favorite

What is stopping you from
achieving more?

You see, if you want to make
more money, you have to get out
of your comfort zone..

Life stays the same where you

If you want more out of life,
you gotta bump it up a notch.

I have faith in you that you

Your partner in success,

P.S.   Have you heard Ace’s story

This retail cashier stepped out
of her comfort zone and created
her own 🌴 paradise - on her

Listen to her story here…

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