Subject: 😡 So - you don't want my help?

That is exactly what came to my
mind when my aunt said:

Don't make any more doctor
appointments for me!

What?! 🤬

I can't lie, I was both hurt
and irritated at the same time.

I had been helping my elderly
aunt with her medical 🤕
appointments for the past few

If it wasn't for me, no doubt
she would be in a nursing home
(against her will) or quite
likely 😵 dead.

Hey there, it's Corrisa.❤️

Have you ever had to step in
and help someone who couldn't
help themselves?

Then you can probably relate.

I had to let go and turn the
reins over to her daughter who
has mental and health care
issues of her own.

Good luck with that!🙄

Sometimes in life, we have to
put our time, energy, and
resources with those who want
it and deserve it.

It's no different when you're
building a business.

You're going to run into people
(if you haven't already) who
say they want to make a lot of
money online… 


They're not doing anything to
move the "needle" in their

You don't necessarily have to
give up on these people, just
like I haven't really given up
on my aunt…

Just leave the 🚪door open so
when they want the help, alls
they gotta do is just walk
through the door.

In the meantime, you want to
spend your time getting more
quality traffic…

And most importantly...

Doing the things to increase
your conversions like staying
in contact with your leads,
following up with them, calling
them, etc..

It just keeps the door open for
them to walk through it when
and if they're ready to.

Your partner in success,

P.S.  Too many people say, it's
not possible to build a
successful business on a
shoestring budget. 

I completely disagree. 

It all starts by choosing a
budget-friendly business that
has the potential to earn you
significant income.

I'll get more into that in
future emails. 

Stay tuned!

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