Subject: 🔥 Sicko!

I finally got it! 😝

Yep, COVID..

It took a few years, but my
"number" came up and it was my

Why me?

Well, why not.

My 🧠 mind is WEIRD…

My mind sometimes goes to the
absolute worst possible

Luckily, thus far, I barely
have any symptoms other than a
mild cough.😷

Nevertheless, I"m a natural
born skeptic (and a bit of a
pessimist at times).

If you're like me, then you
know having those traits can be
both a 🙏 blessing - and a curse.

The blessing is that skepticism
keeps you and your wallet

You're less likely to fall
victim to any of those scams
that litter the "net. 

Here's the downside…

You begin to believe that
everything is a scam and so you
don't want to take chances…

You're afraid of looking like a
🤡 clown or losing your money..

I get it.

The outcome is that you NEVER
move closer to your income

Every year looks like the
previous year.

Your significant other keeps
asking you what you're doing

…And may even demand you stop
using the family's money on
those silly schemes - after all,
they never work!

The crazy thing is that some do

You have to find the ones that

Just some 🍔 food for thought…

COVID recover-er and your
partner in success,

P.S.  This amazing little $7
business is how a lot of
newbies start making money

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