Subject:Ā šŸ™„ Should you be skeptical?

I donā€™t know where my mother
would be without me -

She believes nearly everything
she sees...šŸ™„


She was speechless when she
found out there were people
breeding dachshunds without
their front legs.šŸ˜²

She even showed me the šŸ“½ļø video...


Proof right?!

It was clearly doctored.

Even Stevie Wonder couldā€™ve
seen it was a fake video.

Oh boy!

I tried to hold in my laughter
- but I couldnā€™t help it!šŸ¤£

My mom is very gullible.

This makes her a prime victim
to fall prey to āŒscams.

ā€¦and there have been a few
close calls.

Here I am to save the day šŸ¦øā€ā™€ļø
and also be the bearer of bad news.

Itā€™s a scam!

As a person looking to make
money online, you have to be
careful of the scams too!

You donā€™t have to be a senior
citizen to become a victim.

These scammers are clever -
they know what to do to
separate you from your money...šŸ˜”

Let me share the 3 BIGGEST red
flags to look for...

1.Fake! Fake! Fake!

There is no real product or
service being sold.Ā 

As a kid, itā€™s ok to have
imaginary things like friends,
but as an adult - itā€™s kinda
creepy.Ā šŸ‘»

You want products and services
that have some value. Make
believe doesnā€™t count.

2.History of Shenanigans!

Does the owner of the program
have a history of starting and
abandoning companies?Ā 

There are a few names that come
to mind - but I wonā€™t/canā€™t
mention them.

Ask yourself this...

Do you really want to spend
your precious time and money
with a program that wonā€™t
likely exist a year from now?
Six months from now?

3.All Alone

There is no training to help
you build the program. What
good is a program if it canā€™t
help you make money?!Ā šŸ‘Ž

If youā€™re a beginner, do
yourself a huge favor and join
a program that ā¤ļøcares enough
about you to give you training.

And there you have it!

A healthy dose of šŸ”Žskepticism is
needed in this age and time.Ā 

Itā€™s ok to be a non-believer,
but you also must do your due
diligence so that you donā€™t let
great opportunities pass you

To your continued success...

P.S. Do you know what is the ONE
thing you must do in order to
start making money online?

If you're a beginner, you
definitely should know this!Ā 

Stay tuned...

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