Subject: 🔥 Scared?...

I'm holding you responsible if
I fall! 😬

That was what I wanted to say
to our Segway scooter tour
guide - but I didn't.

You see this was a San Diego
trip I planned for my family.

​I did this to myself!

Sometimes we are our own worst

I was scared sh#tless riding
through the streets of San
Diego dodging people, cars, and
🐕 dogs.

All I could think about was
flipping over the handlebars,
landing in the ocean and

If you've never been on a
Segway (think Mall Cop
scooter), I urge you to try it
at least once.

Just don't hold me responsible
for what happens!

What got me through this "fun"
trip - and it was fun when my
head wasn't full of irrational
thoughts, was this…

I needed to do this and push
through my fear.

You see, on the other side of
fear is freedom.

When it comes to business, a
lot of people just don't push
past the fear…

Whether they're fearful of
failing, losing money, or
looking foolish in front of
their friends and family…

They let fear rob them of their
success. 😩

I hope that's not you.

The great thing is that you can
lessen your risk by choosing a
better business to begin with…

One that REAL people are having
success with…

And one where you can earn
$500+ commissions without
feeling sleazy and icky!

Here's what I say about
business opportunities…

If you're too afraid to tell
your 🧓 mama what you're doing,
then you probably shouldn't be
doing it.

Join a business that provides
real value to other people and
rewards you generously.

If you can do just that, then
you've won half the battle!🏅

And you'll be LESS scared to
take the necessary actions to
build a profitable business.

Your partner in success,

P.S. Are you feeling

Let me share a tip or two with
you that I think will be very

Stay tuned! 

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