Subject: ⛔ Scam or what ❓

So, how do you tell a scam from a
legitimate program? 🤔

It takes just two words…

Due Diligence...

Hey there my friend, it’s Corrisa.❤️

Here’s the truth...

Some people don’t want to know or don’t
want to be confronted with information
that may prove their program is a scam.😲

How many times have you tried to help your
loved one avoid a scam only to be shooed

Or maybe you’re on the other end where you
were involved in a program that your loved
ones thought was a bit dodgy.

Bite 😬 on this...

Just because someone “thinks” something is
a scam doesn’t make it so.

There are a lot of well-meaning people in
the world who are just misinformed.

With that said, when choosing a program,
you have to really put forth your best
effort into investigating🔎 the program.

The main question you want to ask yourself
is this…

Is this a viable product or service?

Once you’ve answered that question ask a
few follow-up questions like:

  • What does this product/service do?

  • What is the benefit of this

  • How does this product/service differ from
    what’s already in the marketplace?

  • Do you use (or will you use) the
    product/service yourself? If not, why not?

  • Lastly, do you have a complete
    understanding of how the product/service

It’s hard to sell something you don’t
understand and/or are clueless about. 

If you’re going to ecommerce🏪, then educate
yourself on that. If you’re going to do
affiliate marketing, then you need to
educate🎓 yourself on that.

If you "chase" money 🏃 without a FULL
understanding of how a program or even an
industry works, sooner or later you’re
gonna get “burned”. ☹️

You’ll lose a lot of money, patience, and
add more frustration to your life that you
never knew could be possible. 👎

Be in peace 😇 with whatever program you

Your partner in success,

P.S. Have you ever read a “review” that
left you wondering if it was real or not?🤔
It’s no fun to be taken advantage of
and/or lied to.☹️

I’ll give a simple breakdown of "reviews"
you see online. This is going to be
👀 eye-opening!

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