Subject:Ā šŸ’² Ready to make money?

Ok, now youā€™re probably
thinking thatā€™s a stupid

But, after you read this you
may have second thoughtsā€¦

Now, this all started when I
took šŸ¶ Layla, my beautiful
Terror, I mean Terrier to the
groomers in Petco.

I noticed a lady setting up
some cages by the front door.

Being the nosy person that I
am, I asked what she was doing.

Now, the thing with asking a
question of someone you donā€™t
know, is that sometimes the
reply is not so simpleā€¦

She told me an earful - and
things I didnā€™t want to even

This is the short version of
what she told meā€¦

She was trying to find homes
for four šŸ•ā€šŸ¦ŗ puppies she had
rescued from the local animal

You see, sheā€™s one of the first
people animal shelters call
when they have puppies.


Sadly, puppies just just donā€™t
survive long in that

Feeling the tug of my ā¤ļø, I
wanted to give this lady some
money to help her continue her
good work.

She dug in her car and proudly
gave me a business card and
then said something to me that
absolutely did not make any

I donā€™t have a website.Ā 

Are you kidding?šŸ˜²

How was she planning on getting

Whether she knows it or not,
she IS in business.

Sheā€™s in the business of
finding šŸ”homes for her pups.

What I know for sure is that
she has a lot of expenses and
she needs donations all the

But she has made it hard for
people to donate to her

The ironic thing is that I see
a lot of people in businesses
where itā€™s HARD to make money.

I see the frustration and

If this sounds like you, donā€™t
put all the blame on yourself.

In all likelihood, itā€™s the
business youā€™re promoting.

You have to make it easy for
people to buy from you.

Or else they wonā€™t.

Your partner in success,

P.S. One of the biggest
boo-boos šŸ¤• I made earlier on
is probably the same one youā€™re
doing now.Ā 

I can guarantee this will be a
BIG eye-opener for you!

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