Do you love unusual money making ideas? I sure do and this one is a doozy!
Hey there my friend, it’s Corrisa.❤️
Yesterday I told you about Kat and how she’s crushing it in her niche - to the tune of $100k a day! 😲
She is doing the ONE thing that I guarantee you that you are aware of but yet, you have never sold yourself.
What is it?
It is a 📃 spreadsheet.
Now you may say you mean the boring things that add numbers?
There are people making $40 over and over again with just a few minutes of “work”.
There are people making hundreds of dollars a pop doing literally no work with arbitrage.
You can seriously take two seconds to do a Google search and have a product that will 💲 sell.
I know it sounds nuts and it is.
But, if you’re looking for another stream of income - in the same niche you’re already in, you may want to give this a closer look.👀
Your partner in success,