Subject: 🔴🟢🟡 Is this you?

I was so pissed off! 😡

This ain't working!

That was me back in the early

You see, I had spent nearly a
hundred bucks buying another
batch of "bad" leads.

And I was getting terrible

I couldn't get anyone to sign
up for my program even if I
paid them to!

I was that bad.🙄

So in a nutshell, I was not
making any money - not a single

It was really starting to get
to me!

In case you didn't know,
there's another bad word that
starts with the letter "F"...


Then it really hit me - hard!

I had to be honest with myself…

I was buying leads and I was
bad at converting them…

And I didn't call my leads
everyday - and I didn't follow
up with them.


I had no system in place.

What's worse, was that I was
NOT doing any other kind of

I was working on getting
traffic about 20% of the time.

Looking back, it was no wonder
I was struggling and not making
any money.

Today, I see a lot of people
doing the same goofy stuff I
was doing back then.

Wasting time…

You see, 80% of your time has
to be on traffic generation.

Yet I see tons of people
spending 80% of their time
jumping in and out of
businesses and searching for
something better…

Does this sound like anyone you
know? 🤔

It's no wonder that over 90% of
people never make any
significant money in this
industry and in fact...

Lose A LOT of money and even go
into debt.😭


It doesn't have to be this way.

If you're NOT getting the
results you want in your

Take a look and see if you're
spending at least 80% of your
time generating traffic.

If not, then you're gonna do
what I did in my early years -
burn 🔥through money and
waste precious time.

Something to think about.

Your partner in success,

P.S.  It's VERY important that
you're sending your traffic to
the right kind of page. 

A lot of people don't talk
about this, but it's literally
the difference between massive
failure and massive success.

More on that later…

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