Subject: 🔥 Is this true?

Nobody wants to tell you the
truth! 🤨

Here there, it’s Corrisa.

Now, why would I say such a


Let me tell you what happened

My nephew ate the ENTIRE box of
my mom’s Saltine Crackers and..

Put the completely empty box
back in the pantry.🐷

Do you know anyone who does

My mom wasn’t too happy 😡and of
course complained to me, not my

It’s always the little stuff
that bothers her.

I was thinking, if I bring it
up the wrong way, my sister
will get 🥊 defensive…

She doesn’t always handle the
truth very well…

In my mind, I was thinking she
would say…

How do you know it was him?

Why didn’t she tell me?

I’ll just buy her another box
if it’s a big deal!

I was wracking my 🧠brain trying
to come up with ways to bring
up this issue.

I have more important things in
my life going on and none of
them involve Saltine Crackers.🙄

I found an opportunity when she
was sitting on the couch…

In a roundabout, tippy-toe,
humorous way I mentioned her
son ate up mom’s crackers and
put the empty box on the shelf.

Her response….

Yeah, he always does that at

Whew! I did it.

But, no mention of replacing
the crackers.🤔

So, I just left it alone.

Some people don’t take the
truth well at all and other
people it’s just hit or miss.

Nothing lost, nothing gained in
this instance…

But in business, it’s

Any guru (or wannabe guru) can
say anything…

And they will NEVER tell you
the complete truth…

What counts is your results.

Does what they say work?🤨

Well, there’s only ONE way to

And that’s tracking your

There are numerous tracking
programs out there…

This one has more features than
most out there …

If you fail to track, you plan
to fail.

Your partner in success,

P.S. Interested in getting more


I'm gonna show you another cheap

Set N' Forget traffic program.

Stay tuned!

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