Subject: ❌ Is FEAR making you broke?

I thought I was gonna die! 😵

No joke.

Perhaps they shouldn’t have
shown that *graphic* cartoon of
people flipping over the
handlebars of Segways!🤕

So, me and my fam took a trip
to San Diego recently.

I’m the trip planner, so it was
ALL my idea.

Are you the trip planner in
your family?

Then you know if things don’t
go right you’re to blame!😗

Anyhow, it was a sightseeing
tour using Segways.

Easy to ride - and easy to

I let my FEAR get the best of
me and I didn’t have as much
fun as everyone else.😕

I refused to pose near any

Just saw myself losing control
and flipping over in the water
and drowning!🙄


It’s probably #1 reason why
people don’t build their
business like they should …

And the #1 reason why people
don’t want to put money into
their own business.

Fear of failure…

Fear of success…

Fear of losing money…

I was scared and apprehensive
about riding down the streets
of San Diego dodging cars,
people, and dogs - BUT…

I did it anyway. And I didn’t

I’m thinking about you…

Is there anything that is
stopping you from going FULL on
in your business?

What fears are preventing you?

Most importantly, what are you
going to DO about it?

Your partner in success,

P.S. I'm gonna get into traffic - the

good, bad, and ugly! 😆

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