Subject:Ā šŸŸ„ I'm scared sh*tless about the future. And Iā€™m having a mid-life crisis

ā€œI am scared sh*tless about the

Iā€™m having a mid-life crisis.Ā 

Iā€™m a terrible father...

And Iā€™m an arrogant a**hole to
my fiancĆ©.ā€

The stress was driving me

My negative self-talk was
raging like a chattering monkey
that would not shut up...

If youā€™re a father and
entrepreneur, who prides
himself on providing for his
family - then you may know how
I was feeling.

Our internet business was in

Finances had gone upside down.Ā 

I had lost my drive.Ā 

And I was snapping at my wife
and son, far too often.

I was neglecting my family. And
I felt like a failure.

Thankfully my fiancƩ (Ace) is
amazing when things get tough.

Sheā€™s like the female version
of James Bond...

Always has a plan to get us out
of a Jam.

She said this at our weekly

ā€œWe should start promoting the
Power Lead System again.

Letā€™s make some serious money
so we can get the hell out of
here and go to Puerto Rico like
you always dreamed of.ā€

Moving to Puerto Rico had been
a dream of mine for a long

So with this new vision, I felt
inspired like I hadnā€™t been for

We hosted a special training
for our tribe...Ā 

And we ran some traffic from
one of our trusted vendors...

Within a week we were having
$1,000 days every single day
and banking truckloads of cash.

Funny how life can change so
quickly when you have a new
vision and get to work!

Fast forward 6 months and weā€™re
living the dream in Puerto

The Best Part Was Really

My relationship with my son
(Angel) has never been better.Ā 

We laugh and have deep
conversations like never

Now I feel like the worldā€™s
best dad! šŸ™‚

And now that thereā€™s no stress,
Iā€™ve gotten in the best shape
of my life.Ā 

Iā€™ve stopped drinking beer and
eating crap.Ā 

Iā€™m even showing the first
signs of a six-pack in 30

So my relationship with Ace has
gone to a whole new level. šŸ˜‰

I feel like a man whoā€™s showing
up as he should be...

And taking care of his family

If your family needs a ā€œnew
lease of lifeā€, then find out
how we did all thisā€¦

Click Play To Watch The

Talk soon,

ā€‹Rich Guzman aka ā€œMan of The
Yearā€ šŸ˜‰

P.S. Sharing is ā¤ļø caring!

Hopefully Richā€™s story inspired

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