Subject: ⛔ I got busted!

HE had me…

He knew I didn’t know the
answer. 🙄

It was a simple question, a
question I should have known
the answer to.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Hey there, it's Corrisa.

It was the prospect call you
don’t want to get…

You know, the one that is out
of the blue and catches you off

But it was a very simple
question really.

He asked about a program that I
was currently promoting.

Here was the problem…

I had not logged into the
program in months and….

I hadn’t attended any of the
webinars in just as long..

In other words, I checked out

Although I still made money
with the program, I would have
made A LOT more if I had stayed

The point is this…

If you want to increase the
odds of having 💰massive success:

  1. Attend the webinars your
    company puts on

  2. Log into your website to check
    for news, traffic stats, etc

  3. Visit your company’s Facebook

You want to be involved and
stay connected!

Imagine it like this..

What if you saw your loved ones
every few months…

Would you really know what was
currently going on in their
daily lives? 

Would you have a close
connection with them?

Clearly you get the picture…

So the question then becomes…

Are you with a program that has

1. A Facebook Group and…

2. Business building webinars?

If not, why not?

You want to do everything in
your power to help you succeed…

And it starts by choosing a
business that gives you the
tools you need to succeed and...

Gives you ways to help you stay

Your partner in success,

P.S.  Have you heard of the
Strangest Secret? 

It’s life-changing. 

You can listen for FREE here…

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