Subject: 😢 Hurt...

I'm NOT interested!

Those words stung like a bee.

In fact, it downright hurt. 🥺

After all, I was just trying to
make conversation with him on

It never occurred to me that he
would look at my profile whilst
he was talking to me and see

Hey there, it's Corrisa.

I hope you're not making this
same mistake!

You see, back in the day I was
naive and a 👶 newbie...

I should've known better than
to put the name of my business
opportunity on my Facebook

Not only did it turn him off
before I even got a chance to
know him, but I know it turned
off a lot of other people too! 🙄

If you have the name of your
MLM company in your social
media profile, you may want to
rethink that idea  - and here's

People have preconceived
notions about your company -
often it's NOT based upon

This is why I learned (the hard
way), to lead with value...




It opens the 🚪door to reach MORE
targeted people on social

And you're not perceived as a

And you're less likely to get
your feelings hurt.

Just some food for thought..

Your partner in success,

P.S.  If you want to make $500,
$1k, or even $10k per month, it
all starts by making your first
dollar online. 

This easy $7 dollar system is
where a lot of people start
having success.

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